Thermo Scientific IRMS Delta V with dual inlet and Continious flow mode. Installed 2013 (Funded by Dutch Shell, Netherlands)
The IRMS Delta V is dedicated for O17 study in CO2 molecules using dual inlet peripheral. This is connected with a peripheral “Flash TC/EA” for analysis of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in organics (in solid state) in a continious flow mode.
Access to Instrument Facility: All potential users are requested to contact Prosenjit Ghosh for possible instrument time.
Usage Charges:
Charges will be levied on per sample basis. IISc Users: Rs. 1500 per sample for organic C and N isotope ratios, Rs. 2000 per samples for oxygen and deuterium ratio determination. Non IISc academic users: Rs. 2500 per sample for organic C and N isotope ratio, Rs. 3000 per samples for oxygen and deuterium ratio determination. Non academic users: Rs. 3000 per sample for organic C and N isotope ratio, Rs. 3500 per samples for oxygen and deuterium ratio determinationn. Taxes applicable as per GoI norm.