I am a Chemical Oceanographer with expertise in low-temperature isotope geochemistry. My primary research interest lies in reconstruction of past changes in seawater chemistry and climate. I utilise the chemistry of fossilised marine carbonates to study the past. On the isotope front, members of my lab group are working on lithium, boron, magnesium, potassium, and lead isotope systematics to address some of the outstanding questions in earth and environmental science. Some of the problems that we are interested in are: reconstruction of past changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations across key intervals of climate change; role of reverse weathering in modulating seawater chemistry and climate; reactive transport of metals and metalloids in large river systems.
Doctorate in Oceanography, 2010
Florida State University & National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
M.Sc in Marine Science, 2004
Calcutta University
BSc in Chemistry, 2002
St. Xavier's College, Calcutta